

This are some features, this Addon supports. There are much more!

Customer Creation

Upon customer registration in WHMCS, the Lexoffice-WHMCS module swiftly generates a corresponding customer profile within Lexoffice. This instantaneous synchronization simplifies data management, ensuring seamless integration and facilitating smoother workflows between the platforms.


The interconnected Customer Management feature between WHMCS and Lexoffice guarantees that any alterations made to a customer’s profile in WHMCS are promptly synchronized with their corresponding details in Lexoffice. This real-time synchronization streamlines data consistency across both platforms, automating the process and alleviating the burden of manual updates, thereby ensuring accurate and up-to-date customer information management.

Invoice Management (soon)

The Invoice Management feature automates the transfer of payment status updates from WHMCS to Lexoffice. Once invoices are marked as paid in WHMCS, they are effortlessly uploaded to Lexoffice, simplifying the handling of invoices between the two platforms without manual intervention.

How to install

The installation isn’t very hard, just follow these steps:
1) Register at Lexoffice (Plan with API-Access)
2) Get this Addon here
3) Unzip the Addon and upload it to you Installation
4) Go to your AddonModule-Config
5) Activate the Addon
6) Enter your Licensekey from your purchase and your API-Key from LexOffice (here) & Save