

This are some features, this Addon supports. There are much more!

Many Paymentmethods

This Addon supports nearly every Paymentmethod, Mollie supports. Some Paymentmethods, which are only for recurring payments (like SPEA Direct Debit) aren’t supported yet, but in future, they will be.


This Modules creates for each of your customers a customer at Mollie. This customer will alway be connected to the payment. This helps you to have an overview of the payments for special Customers directly in Mollie’s Dashboard.

Switching Test- and Livemode

The Addon supports switching between Live-Mode and test-Mode of Mollie’s API by checking one field. You don’t have to change the API-Key everytime.

One API-Key for all Methods

For most modules you have to enter the API key for each payment method individually. If you use our Module, you just have to enter it one time in the Addon-Configuration.

Join Mollie! Payment was never easier

How to install

The installation isn’t very hard, just follow these steps:
1) Register at Mollie
2) Get this Addon here
3) Unzip the Addon and upload it to you Installation
4) Go to your AddonModule-Config
5) Activate the Addon
6) Enter your Licensekey from your purchase and your API-Keys from Mollie (here) & Save
7) Go to your Gatewayconfiguration in WHMCS and klick on „Visit Apps & Integrations“
8) Search for the Mollie-Gateways, you want to use & activate them.